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Frequently asked questions

Are my crypto assets safe while investing?

By allocation 100% of the deposits into mining devices, purchased by our US entity and hosted in a regulated and insured US facility, there is no room for any breach of trust.

Are the revenues going to be fixed or variable?

Although the amount of the revenues varies greatly according to different market conditions, we guarantee that our MiFi protocol cannot underperform the simple Bitcoin mining. Helios Fund offers a fantastic asymmetric opportunity where the upside can be huge and the downside is non-existent. It's a no-brainer to try it out!

How can i monitor my investments?

You can easily monitor you positions just logging in to your account and by accessing to the platform.

Are you going to expand for more crypto tokens?

We are constantly on the lookout for new altcoins which fit the MiFi protocol needs, in order to increase the effectiveness of your Bitcoin accumulation strategy. However, according to our zero-risk policy we prioritize the most reputable altcoins first while considering to mine riskier coins just after a good amount of revenues has been realized.